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Lino Iacomella Joins the KPA Architects Team

KPA Architects are pleased to announce Lino Iacomella has joined our team as a Senior Consultant with the key responsibility of business development. Lino is the former Executive Director of the Property Council of Western Australia with his career spanning at the Property Council for over 10 years. Lino is a corporate strategist

Staff Interview – Peter Van Geloven

For the first of a series of 3-question interviews with KPA team members, to help you get to know us all a bit better, Libby Pracilio interviewed Peter Van Geloven. For those who haven’t yet had the pleasure, Peter is our incredibly knowledgeable and technically savvy

Perth Ride to Conquer Cancer

CONGRATULATIONS to all the team from Western Australian Leaders that entered and completed the Perth Ride for the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research. You were put through very trying conditions over the weekend due to the weather. A massive achievement to ride the 200km’s.

Care Development Opportunity in Helena Valley

Are you looking for the perfect site for an aged care development? KPA Architects were approached by Seniors Own Real Estate to prepare a concept plan for Proposed Lot 66 Part of Lot 2 - 2 Midland Road in Helena Valley. This site is up for

KPA Architects are now Affiliated with LASA

KPA Architects are proud to announce that we are now affiliated with LASA (Leading Age Services Australia Ltd) and are listed as a service provider. LASA is a purpose lead national body representing and supporting aged care providers and services across retirement living, residential and

Italian Aged Care Commences on Site

KPA Architects are excited to announce our aged care project Italian Aged Care has commenced on site with the turning of the sod by Chris Roberts from Italian Aged Care. This project is due for completion in 2019 and will provide 80 new bedrooms and

Koh I Noor Grand Opening

KPA Architects are proud to announce our project Koh I Noor Contemporary Aged Care had its grand opening on the 27th March 2018. Located in Wembley, the project features 80 aged and dementia care beds including courtyard spaces, activity, dining and lounge areas. A successful project

KPA’s Penni Sutton is Guest Speak at Designing for Dementia Talk

KPA Architects Senior Designer Penni Sutton was a guest speaker at the AIA WA Chapter Office for the Designing for Dementia talk on Monday, 12th March 2018. She presented alongside Jason Burton from Alzheimers WA. Penni presented on dementia design, specifically looking at the key decisions