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New Aged Care Act

Coinciding with the introduction of the new Aged Care Act in 2025, the new year has started with a pleasing lift in inquiries by providers for new project work. From a design and building perspective, the new Act clarifies how new residential aged care homes will be assessed for compliance. This includes improved standards for accessibility and safety; resident autonomy; workplace design; and integration with home care services.

For more information on how the new Aged Care Act will affect the creation of new homes contact the KPA team on 08 9367 6866 or admin(at)kpa-architects.com. The changes take effect from 1 July 2025.

More SDA on the way

Our Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) project in Koondoola is progressing nicely toward its expected completion mid-2025. Designed for our client Habilitas to meet robust standards, and built by Cloudbreak WA, this development will provide three ‘forever homes’ to three residents and their OOAs (On-Site Overnight Assistance).

Two SDA Projects Nearing Completion

It’s great to start 2025 with site visits to two of our Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) developments. Designed for Habilitas, they have an expected completion in the 1st quarter of 2025.


Designed to meet Improved Liveability, Fully Accessible, and High Physical Support SDA standards, the development comprises 2 x houses, which will provide a ‘forever home’ to six residents, as well as two OOAs (On-Site Overnight Assistance).


Already fully tenanted, this SDA is designed to Robust standards and comprises 3 x villas, which will provide a ‘forever home’ to three residents, as well as three OOAs (On-Site Overnight Assistance).

Another Award Win

Congratulations to Dale Alcock Projects for winning the Housing Industry Association (HIA) 2024 Western Australia Specialised Housing award for the KPA-designed Brightwater Care Group Huntington’s Disease Campus in Piara Waters. This follows the 2024 Perth Specialised Housing of the Year award win in October.

KPA Architects are proud to have been involved in this world-class project.

Read more here.

New Aged Care Bill Passed

The passage of the new Aged Care Bill in Federal Parliament this week is good news. Providers and their architects can now confidently proceed with important reforms like the new Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines. KPA Architects have prepared for this moment by having a range of design options to enable more home-like environments that better meet the needs of residents in Western Australia.

Read more here.

Award Win

What a way to finish the year!

We are very proud to share the KPA designed Brightwater Care Group Huntington’s Disease Campus won the ‘2024 Perth Specialised Housing of the Year’ Award at the Housing Industry Association (HIA) Housing Awards!

Congratulations to Brightwater, Dale Alcock Homes, Adam Roebuck and the broader team for their work on this amazing, world-class project.

Full joint media statement here.

Full list of awards and winners here.

SDA Housing Pipeline – Supply Data

It looks like the specialist housing sector is leading the way in delivering genuine dwelling diversity, based on recent supply data for new disability accommodation. According to the NDIS quarterly report for the year to September, 60% of new SDA in the pipeline for Western Australia are detached houses, and the remainder is a variety of villas and apartments. It is also good to see WA’s share of planned new SDA dwellings has finally risen in line with its population. There are 755 SDA dwellings currently in the development pipeline in WA, which is 11% of the national supply pipeline. However there remains a significant shortfall in overall supply of SDA in WA.

More details about the NDIS report are available here.

Alec Johnson – 1 Year

Congratulations to Graduate Architect, Alec Johnson, who celebrates his first anniversary working with KPA. Alec’s been doing a great job, contributing to several key projects across the Specialist Disability Accommodation, Retirement Living, and Industrial sectors. Congrats, Alec!

Able Meet Busselton

Last week, Director Todd Paterson had the pleasure of joining SDA Customer Engagement Manager, Preet Kaur, on the Habilitas table at the ABLE MEET speed networking event in Busselton. It was great to meet with a variety of attendees and share information about the Habilitas developments in progress, assisting people with disabilities to find their forever home in Busselton and Capel. If you’d like to know more, please contact Todd or Preet on 9367 6866.

Thanks to Able Plus PTY LTD and elite sponsor Life Caring WA for running the event.

New Aged Care Act

KPA Architects are looking forward to the new Aged Care Act and we are studying different approaches to implementing the ‘person-centred’ design model that is recommended. Options range from campus-style developments designed for specific needs like dementia care, through to clusters of specialised care in multi-story developments for inner city locations. A particular focus for KPA will be meeting the challenge of implementing the design innovations in refurbishments of existing larger aged care homes. We are reaching out to clients to get feedback on various approaches.