Bethanie Gwelup Wins Property Council of Australia National Retirement Award for Innovation
KPA Architects are very proud to announce Bethanie Gwelup received the 2017 Property Council of Australia National Retirement Living Awards for Innovation (sponsored by CSR Hebel) at the National Retirement Living Summit on 27th of November 2017.
Bethanie Gwelup consists of 62 independent living apartments, 112 high care and dementia bedrooms and Lake Gwelup Christian Church. Bethanie Gwelup is the first ‘campus style’ model for Bethanie Group, allowing residents to access different levels of care while remaining on the same site.
The project was recognised for its use of technology and the Integrated Extra Low Voltage System (IELVS) to integrate the traditionally separate independent living and aged care buildings and operations as one smooth-running site. Residents who reside in the independent living apartments can directly access support and care services when needed without having to leave their home. The IELVS monitors emergency and security controls and building equipment maintenance throughout to identify malfunctions and automatically distributes work orders.
This award is a tremendous recognition for everyone involved in the project including Bethanie Group Inc, KPA Architects, PACT Construction, the entire design team and we congratulate everyone involved. The project was up against other fantastic developments and we congratulate the runners up on their excellent projects.
For more information about the award, please watch the video below and visit
Image and video credit: Property Council of Australia