Kelmscott Library
Following KPA’s work on the refurbishment of Stargate Shopping Centre in Kelmscott, we were given the opportunity to provide architectural services for the creation of a tenancy space for the Kelmscott Library.
The project brief required the reconfiguration and refurbishment of a vacant supermarket tenancy and loading dock area to create the new space for the library. The loading dock was transformed into a landscaped forecourt and a new entry was created utilising large existing wall openings. Suspended awnings and a modern blade feature reflect the architectural elements of the shopping centre and pad site buildings, enhancing the harmonious language of the built form across the site. Along the side walls, new floor-to-ceiling windows allow natural light into the building interior and new ceilings, wall linings and services created a fresh shell in which the library tenants could carry out their own fit-out works.