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What will shape Perth in the 2020’s?

New decades herald new fashions, technologies and generational change.  At KPA Architects we think there will be big changes for Perth property in the 2020’s. Key elements shaping the city in the next decade include a new generation of seniors that want more from their housing; major infrastructure investments

Staff Interview – Lino Iacomella

For the sixth of a series of 3-question interviews with KPA team members, to help you get to know us all a bit better, John Loreck (JL) interviewed Lino Iacomella (LI) Lino is an experienced property economist, policy analyst and business connector. He has successfully managed

Spotlight on Special Disability Accommodation

The spotlight is on Special Disability Accommodation (SDA) after the release of the interim report in the Aged Care Royal Commission, which called for immediate action to move young people out of aged care. There are 6000 younger people with disability in aged care across Australia, and many more

Design Innovation Key to Seniors Housing Plan

The success of Western Australia’s new housing plan for seniors will depend on the housing system embracing innovation in the design and delivery of age-friendly communities, according to a leading designer of retirement villages and age-care facilities. “It’s great that smart design is central to Western Australia’s new five-year plan

Official Opening of Italian Aged Care

Our aged care project Italian Aged Care had its official opening on the weekend, comprising of a short mass and tour of the completed facility. Members of the community, staff and Board attended along with a few special guests, including the Abruzzese Emigrant Association of

Property Clues in WA Growth Report

The good news in a key population outlook for Western Australia, is that a return to higher long-term growth rates is expected soon.  However, WA is ageing faster than expected and the disability sector is looming large in both a social and business sense.                Structural change in population

Koh-I-Noor Wins at 2019 MBA Excellence Awards

We would like to congratulate Pindan for winning 'Best Aged Care Building ($10-$20 million)' for Koh-I-Noor Contemporary Aged Care at the 2019 MBA Excellence in Construction Awards! We are proud to be part of the team for this wonderful aged care home. You

Staff Interview – Libby Pracilio

For the fifth of a series of 3-question interviews with KPA team members, to help you get to know us all a bit better, Sally Jones (SJ) interviewed Libby Pracilio (LP). For those who haven’t yet had the pleasure of meeting her, Libby is an Associate Director

Staff Interview – Sally Jones

For the fourth of a series of 3-question interviews with KPA team members, to help you get to know us all a bit better, Sheridan New (SN) interviewed Sally Jones (SJ). For those who haven’t yet had the pleasure of meeting her, Sally is an Associate Architect

KPA Qualified NDIS SDA and LHA Assessors

At KPA Architects we are constantly expanding our knowledge and design base that we are now able to undertake Livable Housing Australia (LHA) and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) projects and assessments. Associate Architect Jessica Clarkson leads our SDA knowledge and designs, and Clare Paterson is our accredited